Friday, June 19, 2009

...and juices for all

1. guided by juices (1:58)
2. jettisoned at the jamba juice (3:22)
3. ito (2:47)
4. lovely orange juice minute maid (2:42)

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

grumble about the times

1. is this love, il duce? (4:56)
2. made in america (4:47)
3. justice is a long time comin' (tribute to the u-boat boys) (3:15)
4. the level of discourse on the gazette-picayune opinion page ain't what it used to be (5:38)

grotesqueries II

1. it's ok if you don't like the cornbread (1:44)
2. tarpdance (3:16)
3. peril on the motorways (4:33)
4. celebrity-endorsed wines will be the death of me (2:51)