Sunday, January 18, 2009

web two point no

1. xanax for breakfast (3:20)
2. lightly haunted by the ghost of neville chamberlain (1:17)
3. sea slug salad (6:34)
4. five euro enchilada (5:15)

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

life on other planets

1. ice planet of hoth (6:33)
2. coruscanti rush hour (3:57)
3. never orbited endor (lando’s lament) (2:21)
4. dalliance in dagobah (4:06)

retconned out of your life

1. idea for a movie (0:52)
2. deported from the liquor store (2:31)
3. nightmare involving judge joe brown (4:12)
4. hand of fagen (1:45)

Thursday, January 8, 2009

conventional standards/always dull moments

1. honey baby i never stop thinkin’ bout ya darlin’ (feat. the viktor shklovsky orchestra) (13:11)
2. silkworms in my porridge (4:18)
3. why are you still alive, rod stewart? (7:44)

Monday, January 5, 2009

alphabet of shame

1. felled by his own upholstery (2:38)
2. thugs of the carolinas (4:55)
3. (don’t you even think about) joining the leonard cohen fan club (5:40)
4. pen pals with shklovsky (1:22)

date with the cobra that killed my mom

1. cyclops weilding a shick quattro (3:13)
2. hex on your dog (5:41)
3. martha’s front yard (4:12)
4. the tundra is always firmer on the other side in siberia (0:52)
apologies to the guy who also named his blog the same thing